breedR 0.12
- Basic multitrait interface (#30)
- Default values for initial (co)variances are now a function of empirical
- Interface for using **weights** for residual variance (#77)
- Vignette: Heterogeneous variances
breedR 0.11
- Install breedR from package repository avoiding package devtools
- New vignette: Computing Heritability
- Access to inverse Average-Information matrix
- Automatic computation of heritability for genetic models and method 'ai'
- remlf90() interface to PROGSF90 OPTIONS
- Much more exhaustive testing ensures greater stability.
- New datasets Douglas (multi-site) and Larix (repeated measurements)
- Separate R-package from BLUPF90 binaries. Exploit 64bit architectures.
- Several bugfixes. Notably, the empirical variogram computation and memory issues with the AR model.
breedR 0.10
- Full internal refactoring (with few 'visible' changes in the interface)
- 'model.matrix()' no longer separates 'fixed' and 'random' effects.
It returns the same structure as 'ranef()' which is more intuitive.
- 'vcov()' works now with any of the non-diagonal random effects.
breedR 0.9
- New 'generic' model component allows passing a list of arbitrary incidence and covariance/precision matrices
- Optimized splines model. It runs about 5x faster.
breedR 0.8
- New interface ranef() to access BLUP of random effects
- New interface model.matrix() to get incidence matrices
- Integrated vignettes into the package
breedR 0.7
- Remote computing through ssh
- Convenient scaling of spatial variance components
- Additive genetic competition model
- Permanent environmental competition effect
- Simulation infrastructure
breedR 0.6
- Visualization and diagnostic tools
- Prediction in unobserved locations
breedR 0.5
- Customizable initial variance components
- breedR.option infrastructure
breedR 0.4
- AR1xAR1 spatial model
- Eucalyptus Globulus dataset and demo
breedR 0.3
- Pedigree checking, completing, sorting and recoding
breedR 0.2
- Unstructured Random effects
- Simple simulation of spatially structured effects
- Spatial module following Cappa and Cantet (2007) splines model
breedR 0.1
- Basic wrapper to Mistalz's (AI)REMLF90
- Convenient 'metagene' class to represent and manipulate simulated datasets